Jillian McKernan-Walley

Director, Center for Career Excellence Center for Career Excellence
Jillian McKernan-Walley head shot

Jillian McKernan-Walley '93 P'21 is the Director of the Center for Career Excellence. She guides the strategic vision and mission of the Center and manages the Career Exploration Team. Jillian also serves as a career coach to students interested in the business and finance fields.

Prior to assuming her role as Director in January 2020, Jillian worked in University Advancement where she led the development, expansion, and evolution of St. Lawrence’s signature SLU Connect program. She also served as the Advancement liaison to the Center for Career Excellence.

Jillian began her professional career at Binghamton University where she spent 12 years with the general career center and another five years as the director of the career office for the School of Management. She received her Bachelor of Arts in History and Philosophy from St. Lawrence in 1993 and a Master of Arts from Binghamton University in 1995. Jillian is also a St. Lawrence parent with a daughter in the class of 2021.

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