Eloise Brezault

Associate Professor and Co-Chair World Languages, Cultures, and Media Department
Coordinator African Studies
Education B.A.; M.A. and Ph.D. Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris (France)
Eloise Brezault

Academic, Teaching, and Personal Interests: My research interests include Francophone African literature, cultural theory, postcolonial literature and migrant identities in a globalized world. My Ph.D. in comparative literature focused on the emerging trends in postcolonial Sub-Saharan African literature in French from 1990 to 2000. I have taught a wide range of material including French language and literature, cinema, essay writing (at Wagner College, NYC), and cultural studies (at New York University). In 2008, I co-translated Ama Ata Aidoo’s novel Changes to French. Some of my other publications include a collection of interviews with contemporary African novelists and a book analyzing Congolese writer Emmanuel Dongola’s Johnny Mad Dog that explores the figure of the child soldier in postcolonial Africa. In my spare time, I’m an avid photographer who reads more detective novels than I should and enjoys watching all sorts of movies.


Selected Presentations and Publications

Co-Edited with Erica Johnson. Memory as Colonial Capital: Cross-Cultural Encounter in French and in English. Palgrave, 2017.

Johnny chien méchant d'Emmanuel Dongala, Bienne-Gollion/Paris, ACEL-Infolio éditions, collection Le cippe, 2012.

More info at: http://www.lecippe.ch/fr/les-auteurs.5/liste-des-autrices-et-des-auteurs...

Afrique. Parole d’écrivains. Montréal: Mémoire d’encrier, 2010.

Ata Aido, Ama. Désordre amoureux. Trans. Eloise Brezault and Catherine Tymen. Genève: Editions Zoe, 2008.

Awards, Honors, and Service

Northeast Modern Languages Association Fellowship, 2011

State scholarship recipient, Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle), 2000-2003

Assistant editor for the academic review Nouvelle Études Francophones (NEF), 2011 – present.

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