Dr. Maegan K. Bos
PhD Mathematics
NC State University
BS Mathematics
Davidson College
I taught high school for almost 2 years, and while I loved the teaching and the students, the administrative bureaucracy drove me nuts. Also, it seemed to me, that my fellow teachers didn't love mathematics. I wanted to have people that I could talk to about new ideas, mathematical and pedagogical, and where I was wasn't the place to be. So I went to graduate school.
My dissertation was in integrable affine Lie algebras, and though I have a couple of papers in the field, it is not my passion. Furthermore, it is too advanced for undergraduate students. I love mathematics and I love getting students excited about mathematics; the actual level of the mathematics is moot. Solving a challenging integral is just as satisfying as finding a character formula for A72.
I recently took a group of students taking an SYE with me to Paris over Spring Break. The theme was Revolutions in mathematics. We looked at mathematicians that lived around the time of the French Revolution and how that impacted their mathematics. We had a blast!
In addition to mathematics, I enjoy making chain maille jewelry, doing kiragami, and other things that use my math skills in an arty way.
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Emeritus as of Fall 2024 semester - congratulations!