Ana Y. Estevez
Ph.D. Physiology
Wayne State University
B.S. Psychobiology
Binghamton University

I am a neuroscientist with research interests in ion channel physiology and neurodegeneration. I earned a B.S. in Psychobiology from Binghamton University and a Ph.D. in Physiology from Wayne State University. I was a postdoctoral fellow and research assistant professor at Vanderbilt University medical center prior to coming to St. Lawrence University in 2005. I teach Introductory and Advanced Neuroscience as well as the upper level electives Cellular Mechanisms of Memory, Current Topics in Neuroscience, and Drugs and the Brain. In my research, I use the small nematode worm C. elegans or cultured neorons as model systems to identify potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of stroke and other neurodegenerative diseases. Because students are an integral part of my research program, I typically have several working with me every semester. I currently serve the university as co-chair of the Experience St. Lawrence University Task Force and as a member of the Health Careers Committee.
Recent Peer-Reviewed Journal Article Publications:
*denotes undergraduate student author
Heckman, K.L., Estevez, A.Y., DeCoteau, W., *Vangellow, S., *Ribeiro, S., *Chiarenzelli, J., Hays-Erlichman, B., Erlichman, J.S., Variable in vivo and in vitro biological effects of cerium oxide nanoparticle formulations. Frontiers Pharmacology,10:1599, doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01599, 2020. (Impact Factor 2018 3.845)
Estevez, A.Y., Ganesana, M., Trentini, J.F., Olson, J.E., Li, G., *Boateng, Y.O., *Lipps, J.M., *Yablonski, S.E., Leiter, J.C., Erlichman, J.S., Antioxidant enzyme-mimetic activity and neuroprotective effects of cerium oxide nanoparticles stabilized with various ratios of citric acid and EDTA, Biomolecules 2019, 9(10), 562; doi:10.3390/biom9100562 (Impact Factor 2018 4.694)
DeCoteau W., Heckman K.L., Estevez A.Y., Reed K.J., Costanzo W., Sandford, D., *Studlack, P., *Clauss, J., *Nichols, E., *Lipps, J., *Parker, M., Hays-Erlichman, B., Leiter, J.C., Erlichman, J.S. (2016) Cerium oxide nanoparticles with antioxidant properties ameliorate strength and prolong life in mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Nanomedicine 12:2311-2320.
Estevez, A.Y., Erlichman, J.S., The potential of cerium oxide nanoparticles (nanoceria) for neurodegenerative disease therapy, editorial, Nanomedicine (Lond) 9:1437-1440, 2014. (ISI Impact Factor 2013: 5.824)
Heckman, K.L., DeCoteau, W., Estevez, A., Reed, K.J., Costanzo, W., Sanford, D., Leiter, J.C.,*Clauss, J.,*Knapp, K., *Gomez, C., *Mullen, P., *Rathbun, E., *Prime, K., *Marini, J., *Patchefsky, J., Patchefsky, A.S., Hailstone, R.K., Erlichman, J.S., Custom cerium oxide nanoparticles protect against a free radical mediated autoimmune degenerative disease in the brain. ACS Nano 7, 10582-10596, 2013. (ISI Impact Factor 2012: 12.062)
Estevez, A.Y., *Lynch, A., *Lucky, J., *Ludington, J., *Mosenthal, W., *Pritchard, S., Andreescu, S., Leiter, J.C., and Erlichman, J.S., Neuroprotective effects of cerium oxide nanoparticles in a mouse hippocampal brain slice model of ischemia, J. Free Rad. Biol.Med. 51 (6):1155-1163, 2011. (ISI Impact Factor 2009: 6.081)
Complete list of Dr. Estevez's publications on PubMed
Recent Book Chapters:
Estevez, A.Y., DeCoteau, W.E., Heckman, K.L., Erlichman J.S. Toward a synthetic view of the therapeutic use of cerium oxide nanoparticles for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, in Oxidative Stress: Diagnostics, Prevention and Therapy, 2nd Edition, Eds. E. Silvana Andreescu and M. Hempel, pp. 431-461, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 2015. peer reviewed
Estevez, A.Y. and Erlichman, J.S., Cerium oxide nanoparticles for the treatment of neurological oxidative stress diseases, in Oxidative Stress: Diagnostics, Prevention and Therapy, Eds. E. Silvana Andreescu and M. Hempel, pp. 255-288, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 2011. peer reviewed
Andreescu, S., Ornatska, M., Erlichman, J.S., Estevez, A., Leiter, J., Biomedical applications of metal oxides, in Fine Particles in Medicine and Pharmacy, Ed. E. Matijevic, pp. 57-101, Springer, 2011.
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