Adam Fox

Sarah Johnson '82 Professor in the Sciences Psychology Department
Education Ph.D. West Virginia University
Adam Fox

I was born and raised in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. I earned a BS and a MA in psychology from Western Michigan University and a PhD in psychology (with a specialization in Behavior Analysis) from West Virginia University before coming to St. Lawrence. My research focuses broadly on the experimental analysis of human and non-human behavior--particularly as it relates to choice and time. I use quantitative methods and laboratory models to study the variables that control behavior in our complex world. Recently in my lab, we've been investigating learning and behavior in rat models of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). I am also interested in using behavior analytic principles to improve the relationships humans have with domesticated animals (applied animal behavior research)-especially horses. I enjoy spending time outdoors on the farm with my wife, our son, Luther, and our animals. I am also an avid runner, and I  play bass guitar in my wife's band.

I recently participated in a TEDx event at St. Lawrence University in which I outlined a new way of thinking about problems of human behavior--one that is based in principles of behavioral determinism and Behavior Analysis. It is the theoretical view of behavior that undergirds all of my work. You can view my TEDx talk here. You can learn more about Behavior Analysis and the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (mentioned in the talk) here.

Recent Publications (SLU students in bold):

Fox, A. E. (2024). Immediate Reinforcement Training has Moderate Effect on Delay Discounting Behavior in Rats: A Systematic Replication. The Psychological Record.

Fox, A. E., Nicholson, A. M., Singha, D., Thieret, B. A. S., Ortiz, M., & Visser, E. J. (2023). Timing and delay discounting in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A translational approach. Developmental Psychobiology, 65, e22399.

Fox, A. E. (2022). Effects of immediate-reinforcement training on delay discounting behavior in rats. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.

Poulin, C. J., & Fox, A. E. (2021). Preliminary evidence for timing abnormalities in the CNTNAP2 knockout rat. Behavioural Processes190, 104449.

DeCoteau, W. E., & Fox, A. E. (2021). Timing and intertemporal choice behavior in the valproic acid rat model of autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Mungenast, H. K., & Fox, A. E. (2021). Impact of Light-Dark Phase on Delay Discounting Behavior in Rats. The Psychological Record. 

Fox, A. E., Buchanan, I. Roussard, Q., Hurley, K., Thalheim, I., & Joyce, J. M. (2019). Using delays to decrease paper consumption in food service and laboratory settings. The Psychological Record, 69, 215-223.

Fox, A. E., Visser, E. J., & Nicholson, A. M. (2019).  Interventions aimed at changing impulsive choice in rats: Effects of immediate and relatively long delay to reward trainingBehavioural Processes, 158, 126-136.

Fox, A. E. (2018). The future is upon usBehavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 18, 144-150.


Recent Conference Presentations with Students (SLU students in bold):

Thieret, B. A. S., Mooney, L. A.  & Fox, A. E. (May, 2024). Sooner and at an additional cost: Pre-crastination in Rats and Humans. Poster presented at the meeting of the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Philadelphia, PA.

Bibi, S., Thieret, B. A. S., Khatun, A., & Fox, A. E. (March, 2024). The impact of limited bedding on social-anxiety-related behavior in rats. Poster presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Minovi, S., Wilson, K. F., Glover, J., & Fox, A. E. (March, 2024). The impact of high-fat diet and exercise on impulsive choice in rats. Poster presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Fox, A. E., & *Thieret, B. A. S. (2024, March). Impulsive choice in the limited bedding and nesting paradigm.  In A. Fox (chair), Learning Papers: Choice. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA. *Presenting author

Thieret, B. A. S., & Fox, A. E. (August, 2023). Learning and memory in the limited bedding and nesting paradigm. Poster presented at the meeting of the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Thieret, B. A. S., & Fox, A. E. (May, 2023). Learning in the limited bedding and nesting paradigm. Poster presented at the meeting of the meeting of the Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior, Denver, CO.

Thieret, B. A. S.,  DeCoteau, W. E., & Fox, A. E. (May, 2023). Choice, timing, motivation, and memory in the FMR1 KO rat. Poster presented at the meeting of the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Denver, CO.

Thieret, B. A. S., & Fox, A. E. (March, 2023). Impulsive choice and action in the limited bedding and nesting paradigm. Poster presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Fox, A. E., & Thieret, B. A. S., & DeCoteau, W. E. (2023, March). Characterizing operant behavior in the FMR1 knockout rat.  In A. Fox (chair), Learning Papers: Altered States. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

To find out more about recent and past research, you can visit my Researchgate and Google Scholar pages.

Updated June 2024

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