St. Lawrence University was named Best Campus in New York by Niche.com, thanks in large part to students who completed its survey
Best Campus ranks 943 colleges based on nearly 795,000 student opinions from 100,000 students. A high ranking indicates that students are very happy with the quality of campus resources and facilities and love their campus community. Niche was founded in 2002 by Carnegie Mellon University students originally as CollegeProwler.com.
St. Lawrence received grades of A for its food, housing and technology. A total of 133 students competed Niche’s survey, giving the University a score of 4.4 out of 5. Student surveys accounted for 50 percent of the ratings.
In addition to being named Best Campus in New York, St. Lawrence also came in at number 12 nationally.
To view the full report, visit colleges.niche.com/rankings/best-campus/s/new-york/