Who We Are


As a spiritual center on campus, the Chaplain's Office is committed to:

  • Providing spiritual care and pastoral support. The chaplain offers guidance and/or spiritual support to persons about a range of topics, e.g., faith, deepening spiritually, grief and loss, belonging, big questions, purpose, making meaning, discernment, identity, relationships, sexuality, conflict, important life decisions and more;
  • Providing opportunities and resources for persons to engage in various spiritual practices and reflection in times of crisis, celebration or spiritual exploration. These resources help develop the spiritual/religious imagination;
  • Interfaith Dialogue and Spiritual/Religious Pluralism by providing opportunities for constructive communication and partnerships between spiritually/religiously diverse communities;
  • Assisting in times of crisis, times of celebration or annual observances, with religious/spiritual rites, campus ceremonies and university traditions, e.g., baptisms, weddings, vigils, memorial services, worship services, meditations, concerts, convocations, commencements, etc.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a question or want to talk with the chaplain. We are located in Gunnison Memorial Chapel.