Dr. Mary Jane Smith

Associate Professor History History Department
Mary Jane Smith

Mary Jane Smith received her Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Georgia College. She received both the Master of Arts degree in History and the Doctor of Philosophy in History from Louisiana State University. Dr. Smith is a United States historian whose primary areas of specialization are U.S. southern race relations during the Progressive Era (1880-1917), the history of the U.S. South since Reconstruction, and African American History. Among the courses that Dr. Smith teaches for the department are History 104: Development of the United States (1877-Present), History 273: The Civil Rights Movement, History 272: The New South, and History 263: African American History to 1865, and History 264: African American History 1865-Present. She also teaches a Global Studies survey course: Global Studies 102: Race, Culture, Identity. Her primary area of research is the racial discourse and politics of southern white women’s voluntary associations during the Progressive Era, particularly southern branches of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. She is beginning research on southern black women’s temperance work between 1865 and 1917.


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Monday & Wednesday 10:30-11:30am, and by appointment