Off-Campus Programs Pre-Approved Courses

After selecting courses of interest from the abroad university, view the off-campus program information below to review the pre-approved course list. Pay special attention to conditions or notes related to each course to determine what further steps may be required. Programs not listed below have no pre-approved courses at this time. List content is subject to change at any time as new courses are approved or removed.

All  SLU Signature Program courses are approved for SLU credit automatically. You will not see those programs listed here.

Remember that approval from the appropriate department chair is required for any course that is not on the pre-approved list or not listed in the department in which you hope to receive credit.

The Registrar's staff is currently adding the off-campus pre-approved courses to the online course catalog. If your program is not listed below, please click on the corresponding program link below to view the preapproved courses. You can find the preapproved courses for your program by using the "Advanced Search" and filtering to the appropriate location. The following programs have been added to the online course catalog:

  • Australia
  • China (Xjtlu)
  • Czech Republic (Prague)
  • Denmark
  • France (Rennes)
  • France - Sciences PO Bordeaux
  • France (Toulouse)
  • France - University Bordeaux Montaigne
  • Italy (Cortona)
  • Italy (Sorrento)
  • Nepal
  • New Zealand
  • Sweden (DIS)
  • Thailand
  • Trinidad
  • Washington, DC

These courses have been updated as of the Fall 2022 semester, August 24th, 2022.

China (Shanghai)

Costa Rica

