Finance Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Action Plan

Finance and Administration understands that St. Lawrence University must work to create an environment that thrives on the diversity individuals bring to this community of learners. Our role is to model what it means to be understanding and inclusive through respecting and valuing one another. We will continue to seek to find common ground with one another, or, at least, strive together respectfully to understand our differences. As staff members, we help to shape current and future Laurentians through our everyday actions.

Our offices have already been doing this work in various ways. For example, we have already begun implementing the use of diversity advocates in search committees; staff in several departments have completed the multi-week certificate course Raising Cultural Awareness 101 (RCA 101); several offices have changed the artwork in their physical spaces to create a more inclusive environment. Our goals going forward include:

I.  Cultivate – campus-wide or more broadly 


  • Throughout the division all direct reports to the VP will complete the RCA 101 class by December 15, 2022.  All  staff members will be encouraged to participate in D&I programming as available.
  • Charge direct reports to seek out interventions to interrupt how systemic pressures are embedded within institutional policies and procedures that disproportionately affect people of color and those with other underrepresented identities.
  • Develop a robust Supplier Diversity Program with tools to help end users easily identify suppliers that fall into these underrepresented groups and increase the bid opportunities for diverse businesses. 

II.  Expand – increase in division


  • Include diversity awareness in search team training.

III.  Foster – encourage, promote


  • Create an online map to identify gender-inclusive facilities, including both restrooms and locker rooms.
  • Foster an environment that creates an open, inclusive, supportive community, with clear expectations for our values and engagement.

IV.  Infuse – infusing a value for diversity and inclusion for all  


  • Review policies with sensitivity to language and impact on our diverse population.
  • Update employee evaluations to include a section that requires employees to reflect on “Foster the value of diversity and inclusiveness, treating all employees with respect, dignity, and fairness.” 

V.  Connect – create relationships 


  • Aim to provide a safe way to amplify employee voices to hear their needs
  • Create opportunities for all staff to make connections with one another
  • Establish relationships with under-represented suppliers/providers