Pre-Med with Biochemistry Major Course Plan
This is a general course plan for students interested in attending medical school and who are completing a BIOCHEMISTRY major. This plan is designed so that you can complete the necessary coursework to take the MCAT (med school entrance exam) in late spring/early summer after your junior year with the goal of entering medical school the fall after graduating from SLU. This plan must be personalized for you through discussions with your advisor, allowing for situations like study abroad or not going to medical school directly after graduating from SLU. Italicized courses can be interchanged with each other, though it is best to take those that are covered on the MCAT before you take the MCAT (Intro to Psychology, Sociology course, upper level Biology courses). Both Calculus 1 and Calculus 2 must be taken before taking Thermodynamics and Kinetics. The English courses should also be completed by the end of the junior year so that they appear on your transcript when submitting applications at the end of junior year.
- General Biology I with Lab
- General Chemistry I with Lab
- Intro to Psychology
- General Biology II with Lab
- General Chemistry II with Lab
- 100 level Sociology course
- Organic Chemistry I with Lab
- Physics I with Lab
- Genetics
- Statistics
- Organic Chemistry II with Lab
- Physics II with Lab
- Intro to Cell Biology
- Diversity course
- Biochemistry
- Upper level Biology course such as Anatomy & Physiology, Immunology, Microbiology, Intro or Advanced Neuroscience, Human Nutrition, Cancer Biology, Human Embryology, Hormones & Disease
- Calculus I
- English- Writing course (choose one to cover the ARTS distribution)
- Foundations of Medicine I
- Research Methods in Biochemistry
- Upper level Biology course such as Anatomy & Physiology, Immunology, Microbiology, Intro or Advanced Neuroscience, Human Nutrition, Cancer Biology, Human Embryology, Hormones & Disease
- Calculus II
- English- literature course
- Foundations of Medicine II
- Research Methods in Molecular Biology
- Humanities distribution
- Diversity course
- Health Coaches I
- Advanced Biochemistry
- Thermodynamics and Kinetics
- Health Coaches II