History Department Vilas Internship Fellowship

History Department Vilas Internship Fellowship

Summer Internship Fellowship Award

Established in 2016, the History Department Vilas Internship Fellowship is designed to provide career development opportunities for History majors and minors, allowing them to develop and apply the skills they cultivate in their history coursework on campus (critical thinking, written and oral communication, research, and historical thinking) in a workplace environment.

Fellowships are awarded each year to one or more students who have secured an internship, including structured career development or research opportunities, for the upcoming summer break. This award is intended to help offset the cost of living and travel/transportation expenses incurred during the student’s internship experience. Funds may also potentially cover income replacement if adequate need is demonstrated. A selection committee of History Department faculty will make the final decision on all awards.

Guidelines For Eligibility

  1. In order to qualify for an internship fellowship award, you must be a current history major or minor.
  2. There are no financial eligibility requirements to receive internship fellowship awards, but preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.
  3. Unpaid internships will be given first priority in consideration for funding and underpaid internships will be considered secondarily in the selection process.
  4. The internship will normally involve a minimum time commitment of 30 hours/week and preference will be given to internships that last a minimum of 6 weeks.
  5. The maximum award for the summer break is $5,000. Graduating seniors receive 80% of their award at the start of the summer, and all other class years receive 90% of their award. The final portion is distributed upon completion of the internship. International students should also be aware that they will have to pay a 14% tax on their award.  More information.

• As part of the award amount, the fund allows for a maximum of $500 towards any domestic travel and a maximum of $1000 towards international travel expenses incurred in the initial travel to your internship location. Travel expenses related to daily commuting can exceed this limit.

  1. Funding priority will be given to first-time applicants and there is a two-time funding limit, so plan accordingly.
  2. Priority will be given to the highest quality proposals with an emphasis on proposals that mesh with the applicant’s long-term career objectives.
  3. If the committee discovers that any part of your proposal is fraudulent, it reserves the right to revoke some or all of your internship fellowship.
  4. Students are not eligible to apply for internship fellowships at the same internship site more than once and they are not eligible if they have held the same internship position previously.
  5. The selection committee will meet to consider proposals after the first application deadline. Students who submit applications after the first deadline but by the second deadline will be eligible to compete for any funds not allocated in the first round.

Application Requirements:

  1. Provide the following materials:
    • Application form (the History Department will inform majors and minors when this becomes available).  
    • Resume. Please provide a current, Career Services approved resume.
    • Unofficial transcript. Please provide a current SLU transcript.
    • Reference Page with at least two SLU references (at least one of them from a History Department faculty member) who can speak to your qualifications, abilities, and career goals. You do not need to submit written letters of recommendation, only a reference page with contact information for your SLU references.
    • Essay #1.  Please provide an essay of no more than 600 words in which you discuss your personal and career goals, how the internship relates to your history major/minor (including building on the skills you are developing in your history coursework), what you hope to gain from this learning experience, and how this fellowship would be of value to you.
    • Essay #2.  Please provide an essay of no more than 600 words in which you discuss why this financial funding would be essential to completion of your internship, and explain any actions you will be taking to support yourself financially during your internship. Please do not repeat your budget information that is provided on the application form, but rather use this opportunity to explain any circumstances that are relevant to your financial need.
    • Feel free to include any additional supporting documents.
  2. The following should be sent by e-mail to the History Department administrative assistant:
  3. Written Confirmation of your internship from the internship supervisor or host site. Confirmation MUST include the following information: internship start and end dates, the number of hours you will work per week, and compensation. (You may submit the proposal without confirmation, but no funds will be disbursed until confirmation is received.)
  4. Housing Confirmation is required if you are applying for funding towards your housing expenses for the summer. This could include a lease agreement, student housing contract, or other written documentation deemed acceptable. (You may submit your proposal without this confirmation, but no funds will be disbursed until confirmation is received.)
  5. If your internship is with a for-profit company, the employer MUST also complete the required U.S. Department of Labor compliance form.

Application: https://student.stlawu.edu/register/history-internship-fellowship

Internship deadlines are as follows:
First Round – March 1
Second Round – April 1
Third Round – May 1

Please note that it is your responsibility to notify the History Department if this proposal changes in any way. Failure to do so will invalidate your proposal and could result in full repayment of any awards made.

For more information about this award, please contact Dr. Howard Eissenstat, History Department Chair.