Assessment Policy

SLU EMS operates under strict guidelines set by both the State of New York and the North Country Regional Emergency Medical Advisory Committee (NC REMAC). In order to maintain our NYS DOH BLS certification, we cannot deviate from these policies, procedures, and protocol. For this reason, when EMS is activated, we are required to objectively assess our patients to ensure that they are hemodynamically, psychologically, and neurologically stable. In the event that a patient is not stable, SLU EMS providers work diligently to stabilize the patient as much as possible and rely on Advanced Life Support (ALS) services from Canton Rescue Squad.

In addition SLU EMS operates in a unique partnership with St Lawrence University Security Officers both on and off scene. When SLU EMS arrives on-scene, patient care is transferred to the providers and SLU Security Officers stand-by to assist as needed with Patient and Scene management. Although SLU EMS is concerned with providing our patients with the utmost level of care and professionalism, both our own and the patients safety on-scene is of the highest priority. For this reason, we fully support Officer presence on all of our scenes.