Reduced-Idling Policy for Vehicles

Unnecessary vehicle idling contributes to poor air quality and global climate change, decreasing both human and environmental health. In keeping with the ideal that University programming and operations should explore and model progressive and/or alternative behaviors, as a signatory of the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, in light of the Board of Trustees approval of the Environmental Resolution, and our overall desire for a safe and healthy community, St. Lawrence University has adopted the following anti-idling policy for all vehicles on the University campus:

  • No University-owned vehicles are allowed to idle or be left idling while on the St. Lawrence University campus*. This includes vehicles maintained and operated by all academic, co-curricular, and administrative departments/programs, and all other fleet and campus support vehicles, including gators, golf carts, and heavy-duty vehicles or machinery such as bulldozers and backhoes.
  • No personal or vendor/contractor owned vehicles are allowed to idle or be left idling while on the St. Lawrence University campus.
  • In compliance with New York State law (217-3.2, 3.3), no diesel vehicle will idle for more than five minutes at first start. Note: 30 seconds of idle running of a diesel engine uses more fuel than restarting the engine.

If University vehicles are found idling at any time during warm weather conditions or beyond the five minute initial warm-up in cold weather conditions, appropriate actions include:

· If the vehicle is lacking an operator (it has been left idling), note vehicle fleet number, and description and location of vehicle, and call Facilities Operations at 229-5601 or Security and Safety at 229-5555.

· If a vehicle operator does not comply or is found to be repeatedly in violation of the above anti-idling policy, report this behavior to the appropriate supervisor as described above.

If vendor/contractor vehicles are found idling at any time during warm weather conditions or beyond the five minute initial warm-up in cold weather conditions, please follow the reporting procedure stated above. University personal and vendor/contractor vehicles may not be turned off by members of the campus community.

*The only exceptions are St. Lawrence security vehicles during extreme cold weather conditions and all emergency vehicles. All University, personal and vendor/contractor vehicles may idle for five minutes upon first start to allow for engine warm-up in cold weather conditions.

Effective September 2010
Policy Administrator: Director of Facilities Operations