World Languages and English

Two majors offered: English and French and English and Spanish.  

Visit for more information. 

Requirements in English for all majors: 6 units  

English Literature 

  1. 250. Methods of Critical Analysis 

  1. Two literature courses at the 200 or 3000 level  

  1. Three literature courses at the 300 or 4000 level 

English Creative Writing 

  1. 250. Methods of Critical Analysis 

  1. One literature course at the 200 or 3000 level 

  1. One literature course at the 300 or 4000 level 

  1. Two creative writing courses  at 200 or 3000 level One creative writing course at 300 or 4000 level, which must be in the same genre as one of the 200-level creative writing courses.       

Requirements for English and World Languages Major  

  1. Six language courses at 103 level or higher. 

  1. One elective course multi-listed as English and World Languages