Acceptable/Professional Behavior Policy

Employee behavior while at work at or for the university affects colleagues, students, visitors, community members, and colleagues and supporters in many locations. It can impact the morale, effectiveness, and reputation of the individual, the department, and the university.

Fundamental to our interactions is respect for each other. Behavior that is respectful of another is mindful of the receiver’s needs and expectations and seeks to uphold each person’s dignity. Disrespectful behavior may be experienced as crude, hurtful, slanderous or in some manner unpleasant and unwelcome.

Interpersonal behavior can include both verbal and non-verbal communication and interactions. Disrespectful, hence unacceptable and/or unprofessional communication can include words, gestures, expressions or other actions, such as throwing a paper back at someone to show disapproval or anger. Unacceptable and/or unprofessional behavior will be addressed when it is reported, including discipline as appropriate.