JME Biblography


available, pdf reprints may be requested by number directly from JME at


52.  Erickson, J.M. and R.B. Platt, Jr.  2011 (in press).  Oribatid Mite Studies, p.       ,
Scott Elias, ed., Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, 2nd
edition, Elsevier, London.  NA

 51.  Peppe, D.J., Dana L. Royer1 ,Bárbara
Cariglino3 ,Sofia Y. Oliver1 ,Sharon Newman1 ,Elias
Leight1 ,Grisha Enikolopov1 ,Margo Fernandez-Burgos1
Fabiany Herrera4 ,Jonathan M. Adams5 ,Edwin Correa6
Ellen D. Currano7 ,J. Mark Erickson8 ,Luis Felipe
Hinojosa9 ,John W. Hoganson10 ,Ari Iglesias11 ,Carlos
A. Jaramillo6 ,Kirk R. Johnson12 ,Gregory J. Jordan13
Nathan Kraft14 ,Elizabeth C. Lovelock15 ,Christopher
H. Lusk16 ,Ülo Niinemetes17 ,Gillian Rapson18 ,Scott
L. Wing19 ,Ian J. Wright16 . 2011.  Sensitivity of leaf size and shape to
climate: global patterns and paleoclimatic applications.  New Phytologist, 190: 724–739.

 50.  Burton-Kelly, M.E. and J.M. Erickson.
2010.  A New Occurrence of Protichnites
Owen, 1852, in the Late Cambrian Potsdam Sandstone of the St. Lawrence
Lowlands.  The Open Paleontology Journal,

49.  Erickson, J. M. 2009. Editor’s Preface (to
vol. 37). Bulletin of the Friends of the Owen D. Young and Launders Libraries,
St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY.

48.  Erickson, J. M. 2009. Day Of The Flag.
Bulletin of the Friends of the Owen D. Young and Launders Libraries, St.
Lawrence University, Canton, NY  36:31

47.  Erickson, J. M. 2008. Editor’s Preface (to
vol. 36). Bulletin of the Friends of the Owen D. Young and Launders Libraries,
St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY.

46.  Erickson, J.M. and A.M. Solod.  2007 [2008]. 
Recognition of postglacial cold intervals by quantitative biozonation of
fossil oribatid mites.  In : Acarology XI: Proceedings of the International Congress. Morales-Malacara, J. B., Behan-Pelletier, V., Ueckermann, E., Pérez, T. M.,
Estrada, E., Gispert, C. and Badii M. (Eds.). Instituto
de Biología, UNAM; Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM; Sociedad Latinoamericana de
Acarología. México, p. 9-16.  [PDF]

45.  Peppe, D.J., J.M. Erickson and L.J. Hickey.  2007. Fossil leaf species from the Fox Hills
Formation (Upper Cretaceous: Maastrichtian: North Dakota, USA) and their
paleogeographic significance: Journal of Paleontology, 83:3:550-567. [PDF]

44.  Hoganson, J.W., J.M. Erickson and F.D.
Holland, Jr.  2007. Amphibian, reptilian
and avian remains from the Fox Hills Formation (Maastrichtian):Shoreline and
estuarine deposits of the Pierre Sea in south-central North Dakota. Pp. 239-256
Martin, J. E. and D. C. Parris, eds., The Geology and Paleontology of
the Late Cretaceous Marine Deposits of the Dakotas. Geological Society of
America Special Paper 427.  [PDF]

43.  Congiu, B., Chrapowitzky, L. and J.M.
Erickson.  2007. Eta Xi Chapter of Sigma Gamma
: Day one at St. Lawrence. The Compass, 80(1):19-21.

42.  Erickson, J.M. and R.B. Platt, Jr.  2007. 
Oribatid Mite Studies, p. 1547 – 66,
Scott Elias, ed., Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, Elsevier, London.

41.  Hoganson, J.W. and J.M. Erickson. 2005. A new
species of Ischyodus (Holocephali:Callorhynchidae)
from upper Maastrichtian shallow marine facies of the Fox Hills and Hell Creek
Formations, Williston Basin, North Dakota, USA. Palaeontology. 48(4):709-721.  [PDF]

40.  Waugh, D.A., J.M. Erickson, and R. Crawford.  2004 [2005]. Two growth forms of Heterotrypa
Nicholson, 1879, (Bryozoa: Trepostomata) from the type-Cincinnatian:
Putting the pieces back together. The Compass, 78(3):95-110.

39.  Erickson, J.M., R.B. Platt, Jr. and D.H.
Jennings. 2003. Holocene fossil oribatid mite biofacies as proxies of
paleohabitat at the Hiscock Site, Byron, N.Y., 172-185  In R. S. Laub (ed.), The Hiscock Site:
Later Pleistocene and Holocene paleoecology and Archeology of Western New York
State. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, 37.

38.  Erickson, J.M. and T.D. Bouchard. 2003.
Description and interpretation of Sanctum
, new ichnogenus, new ichnospecies, a domichnium mined into
Late Ordovician (Cincinnatian) ramose bryozoan colonies.  Journal of Paleontology, 77(5):1002-1010.  [PDF]

37.  Carpenter, S.J., J.M. Erickson and F.D.
Holland, Jr., 2003.  Migration of a Late
Cretaceous fish. Nature. 423:70-74. 

36.  Erickson, J.M., and D.A. Waugh. 2002. Colony
morphologies and missed opportunities during the Cincinnatian (Late Ordovician)
bryozoan radiation:  examples from Heterotrypa frondosa and Monticulipora mammulataIn
Wyse-Jackson, P. N., Bryozoan Studies 2001: Proceedings of the 12th
International Bryozoology Association Conference, Swets and Zeitlinger Publ.,
Netherlands. p. 101 - 108.

35.  Waugh, D.A. and J.M. Erickson. 2002  Functional morphology of the anastomosing
frondose growth form reported in Heterotrypa
(d'Orbigny) (Bryozoa: Trepostomata) from the Cincinnatian (Late
Ordovician) of Ohio.  In Wyse-Jackson, P. N., Bryozoan Studies
2001: Proceedings of the 12th International Bryozoology Association
Conference, Swets and Zeitlinger Publ., Netherlands. p. 331-338.

34.  Erickson, J.M. 2001. The Geologic Climate at
St. Lawrence.  St. Lawrence University
Magazine: 32-33.

33.  Erickson, J.M. 1999. The Dakota Isthmus –
Closing the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, In Hartman, J., ed., The Paleontologic and Geologic Record of North
Dakota – Important sites and current interpretations. North Dakota Academy of
Science Proceedings, 53:124-129.

32.  Erickson, J.M., J.W. Hoganson, Alan M.
Cvancara, and F.D. Holland, Jr. 1998. Ancient Sharks and Rays.  Letters to the Editors, Science

31.  Erickson, J.M. 1997. Can Paleoacarology
Contribute to Global Change Research?  In Mitchel, R., et al., Proceedings of
the 9th International Congress of Acarology, Columbus, Ohio, 1:533-538.

30.  Erickson, J.M. and Kim Garvey  1997. Key to the Unionacean clams of the Grass
River Drainage, St. Lawrence County, NY. St. Lawrence Aquarium and Ecological
Center Special Paper No. 1, 20 p.

29.  Erickson, J.M.  1997. 
If we build it, they will come: A plan for main hall exhibitory at the
St. Lawrence Aquarium and Ecological Center. Report Series of the A. C. Walker
Foundation North Country Research Fellowships, No. 7, 33 p.

28.  Erickson, J.M.  and A. R. Fetterman.  1996. 
The Unionacean fauna of the Grass River Drainage, St. Lawrence County,
New York, In Roger D. Needham and E.
N. Kovakowski, Editors,  Sharing
Knowledge, Linking Sciences: An International Conference on the St. Lawrence
Ecosystem, Conference Proceedings. 1:211-223.

27.  Erickson, J.M.  and T.W. Bjerstedt 1993. Trace Fossils and
Stratigraphy in the Potsdam and Theresa Formations of the St. Lawrence Lowland,
New York, p. 97-119, In Bursnall, J.
T., Editor., Field Trip Guidebook to the 65th Annual Meeting, N. Y. State
Geological Association, St. Lawrence University.

26.  Erickson, J.M.  1993. A preliminary evaluation of dubiofossils
from the Potsdam Sandstone, p. 121-130, In
Bursnall, J. T., Editor ., Field Trip Guidebook to the 65th Annual Meeting, N.
Y. State Geological Association, St. Lawrence University,

25.  Erickson, J.M., Peter Connett, and
A.R.Fetterman.  1993. Distribution of
Trace Fossils preserved in high energy deposits of the Potsdam Sandstone,
Champlain, New York, , p.131-143, In
Bursnall, J. T., Editor, Field Trip Guidebook to the 65th Annual Meeting, N. Y.
State Geological Association, St. Lawrence University.

24.  Erickson, J.M.  1992. Subsurface Stratigraphy, Lithofacies and
Paleoenvironments of the Fox Hills Formation (Maastrichtian: Late Cretaceous)
Adjacent to the Type area, North Dakota and South Dakota - Toward a More
Holistic View: In Erickson, J. M. and
J. W. Hoganson, Editors, Proceedings of the F. D. Holland Jr. Symposium, North
Dakota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Series 76:199-243.

23.  Erickson, J.M.  1992. A Dedication to F. D. Holland, Jr.,
Prairie Paleontologist, from former students and colleagues (published
anonymously), In: Erickson, J.M. and
J.W. Hoganson, Editors, Proceedings of the F. D. Holland Jr. Symposium, N. Dak.
Geological Survey Miscellaneous Series 76:1-9.

22.  Bjerstedt, T.W. and J.M. Erickson,  1989. Trace fossils and bioturbation in
peritidal facies of the Potsdam - Theresa Formations (Cambrian - Ordovician),
northwest Adirondacks.  Palaios,

21.  S. J. Carpenter, J.M. Erickson, M.R. Owen,
and K.C Lohmann.  1988. Formation,
diagenesis, and cementation of fossiliferous concretions of the Fox Hills Fm.,
(Upper Cretaceous) of North Dakota. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology,

20.  Erickson, J.M.  1988. Fossil Oribatid Mites as tools for
Quaternary Paleoecologists: Preservation Quality, Quantities, and Taphonomy. In Laub, R.S., N. G. Miller, and D. W.
Steadman (eds.) Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Paleoecology and
Archaeology of the Eastern Great Lakes Region. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society
of Natural Sciences, 33:207-226.

19.  Erickson, J.M.  1984, Summary of Paleontological Data from
Massena "Clay" Locality; In
Clark, P. and Street, J.S., Late Quaternary, St. Lawrence Lowland; Guidebook of
the 47th Annual Meeting of Friends of the Pleistocene: p. 28.

18.  Erickson, J.M.  1983, Trichopterodomus
, a new genus and species of Psychomyiid Caddisfly (Insecta:
Trichoptera)  Represented by Retreats
from the Paleocene of North Dakota: 
Jour. of Paleontology:  57(3):560
- 567.

17.  Erickson, J.M.  1978, Bivalve Mollusk Range Extensions in the
Fox Hills Formation (Maestrichtian) of North and South Dakota and their
Implications for the Late Cretaceous Geologic History of the Williston Basin:  North Dakota Acad. Science Proc., 32(2):79 -

16.  Klett, M.C. and J.M. Erickson,  1976, Type and Reference Sections for a new
Member of the Fox Hills Formation, Upper Cretaceous (Maestrichtian), in the
Missouri Valley Region, North and South Dakota: 
North Dakota Acad. Science Proc., 28(2):3 - 21.

15.  F.D. Holland, Jr., J.M. Erickson, and D.E.
O'Brien.  1975, Casterolimulus:  A New Late
Cretaceous Generic Link in Limulid Lineage: Bulletins of American Paleontology,
67(287):235 - 249, 2 pls.

14.  Erickson, J.M., 1975.  Investigation of Relationships Between
Linears, Tonal and Hazy Areas, and Petroleum Production in the Williston Basin
- an ERTS Approach:  Final Report NSF
5018, 59 p. (with J.S. Street , C.J. Munsell, and D.E. O'Brien).

13.  Chayes, D.N., and J.M. Erickson,  1973, Preliminary Paleocurrent Analysis from
Cross-Strata in the Timber Lake Member, Fox Hills Formation, in North Dakota:  The Compass, 50:38 - 44.

12.  Bailey, L.T. and J.M. Erickson. 1973.
Preferred Orientation of Bivalve Shells in the Upper Timber Lake Member, Fox
Hills Formation in North Dakota - Preliminary Interpretations:  The Compass, 50:23 - 37.

11.  Erickson, J.M. 1973. Maestrichtian
Paleogeography in Light of the Gastropod Fauna of the Fox Hills Formation of
North Dakota:  The Compass, 50:7 - 17.

10.  Cvancara, A.M., Erickson, J.M. and J.J.
Delimata. 1972. Present and Past Mollusks of the Forest River, North
Dakota:  Proc. North Dakota Acad. Sci.,

9.  Holland, F.D., Jr., and J.M. Erickson. 1972.
Freedom to Learn in Historical Geology, in ESTPP Special Paper 2:8 – 9.

8.  Erickson, J.M. 1971. Wind-Oriented Gastropod
Shells as Indicators of Paleowind Direction: 
Jour. Sed. Petrology, 41(2):589 - 593.

7.  Holland, F.D., Jr. and J.M. Erickson. 1970.
Glovers Pond Series, northwestern New Jersey: 
Radiocarbon, 12(1):93 - 94.

6.  Stone, W.D. and Erickson, J.M. 1970. A
FORTRAN Program for Folk's sandstone classification:  The Compass, 47(3):163 – 168.

5.  Erickson, J.M.. 1970. A Floating Coring
Platform for use on Sheltered Lakes:  The
Compass, 47(3):169 -- 173.

4.  Holland, F.D., Jr. and J.M. Erickson, J.M. 1969.
Glovers Pond Series, northwestern New Jersey: 
Radiocarbon, 11(1):61.

3.  Erickson, J.M.  1969. Geological Rate Units: The Compass,
47(1): 5 -9.

2.  Holland, F.D., Jr., and J.M. Erickson. 1969.
Paleontology Can Be Fun!:  ESCP
Newsletter 21,       p. 1 and 2.

1.  Erickson, J.M., C.R. Thompson and F.L.
Wendling. 1968. Population Density and Distribution of Phoronopsis harmeri on lower Lawson's Flats, Dillon Beach, California:  Abstracts of Individual Problems (Summer,
1968) at Pacific Marine Station, University of the Pacific.


J.M., 1974, Revision of the Gastropoda of the Fox Hills Formation, Upper
Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) of North Dakota: 
Bulletins of American Paleontology, 66(284): 122 p. OP

Abstracts (published) of
Presented Papers

A71.  Erickson, J.M., T.J. Kroeger, J.W. Hoganson,
and F.D. Holland, Jr. 2010. Late Maastrichtian palynomorphs from the Linton
Member of the Fox Hills Formation in South-central North Dakota. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs 42(5):250.

A70.  Rendall, B.E. and J.M. Erickson. 2010. New,
rare echinoid records from the Pierre—Fox Hills transition (Late Cretaceous:
Campanian—Maastrichtian) in the Williston Basin. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs 42(5):249.

A68.  Cowan, H.L. and J.M. Erickson. 2010. Rafinesquina alternata as a photosymbiont host: shedding new light on old
questions. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 42(5):287.

A67.  Erickson, J.M. 2009. Sanctum Erickson and Bouchard; Misconceptions corrected. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs 41(6):

A66.  Erickson, J.M., K.D. Zubin-Stathopoulos and
Maggie Simmons. 2008. Paleotemperatures through the Younger Dryas Interval at
Glovers Pond, Northern N J, Derived from Fossil Chironomidae. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs 40(6):164.

A65.  Eppler, D.B., Allen, C., Allen, J., Clanton,
U., Condit, C., Erickson, J.M., Feustel, A., Griffin, G., Gruener, J., Hodges,
K., Hörz, F., Head, J., Keszthelyi, L., Kring, D., Lofgren, G., Love, S.,
Morrison, D., Muehlberger, W., Phinney, W., Rice, J., Ross, D., Snoke, A.,
Spudis, P., Swann, G., Tewksbury, B., Ulrich, G., Young, J.W.  2008. Apollo/Constellation Geologic Training
Workshop: Reviewing Apollo’s Accomplishments and Preparing a New Generation of
Geologic Explorers for Lunar Field Geology. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs 40(6):337.

A64.  Christoffersen,
R., J.M. Erickson, D.B. Eppler, S.B. McElfresh, R.P. Standish, and D.T. Eppler.
 2008.  Engaging
Alumni in Undergraduate Geoscience Education: The St. Lawrence University
Geology Alumni Conference, a Case Study. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs 40(6):368.

A63.  Erickson, J.M., Diane Burns and B. Palmateer.
2008. Evidence for Early Diagenesis in Preservation of Soft Parts from Panopea occidentalis (Mollusca:Pelecypoda) In The Fox Hills Fm.
(Maastrichtian:Late Cretaceous), North Dakota. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs 40(6):373.

A62.  Husinec, Antun, J.A. Donaldson, J.R.
Chiarenzelli, and J.M. Erickson. 2008. Occurrence and features of microbial
structures of the Theresa Formation, Cambro-Ordovician, New York. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs 40(2):15-16.

A61.  Erickson, J.M. 2007. Cincinnatian escargot:
Gastropod – bryozoan taphonomy demonstrates presence of an undefined, Late
Ordovician, shell—peeling predator. Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs 39(6):402.

A60.  Jones, W.T. and J.M. Erickson. 2007. Origins
of Cincinnatian calcareous silts in the type area: contributions by skeletal
organisms boring and mining in Bryozoa. Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs 39(6):146.

A59.  Menard, R.C. 
and J.M. Erickson. 2006. Postglacial Drainage Evolution of the
Adirondack North-flowing Tributaries to the St. Lawrence River, Northern New
York.    Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs 38(7):355.

 Zubin—Stathopoulos, K.D., W.T. Jones,
S.R. Cornell and J.M. Erickson. 2006. Testing paleoenvironmental gradients in
the Upper Ordovician Whitewater Formation of the central United States.  Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs 38(7):67.

A57.  Erickson, J.M. and D.A. Waugh. 2005. Out of
the mud: Functional morphology clears Late Ordovician (Cincinnatian) Trepostome
Bryozoa of support by muddy substrata. Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs, 37(7):135.

A56.  Smrecak, T.A., J.M. Erickson, J.W. Hoganson,
and M.E. Burton-Kelly. 2005. Comparisons of megaflora assemblages between the
Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Hell Creek 
and Tertiary (Paleocene) Ludlow Formations at the Stumpf Site Natural
Area, Morton County, North Dakota . Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs, 37(7):137.

A55.  Carpenter, S.J., J.M. Erickson, J.W.
Hoganson, L. Blesius and F. Weirich. 2005. 
From ugly stepsister to ugly duckling – δ¹³C values of freshwater
mollusk shells – A swan’s story. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs 40th Annual Meeting, NC Section, 37(4):86.

A54.  Erickson, J.M. 2005. Fossil aquatic oribatid
mites define paleoclimate intervals in lacustrine sediments: An example from
Glovers Pond, NJ. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 40th
Annual Meeting, NE Section, 37(1):29.

A53.  Burton-Kelly, M.E. and J.M. Erickson. 2005.
An Analysis of Multiple Trackways of Protichnites Owen, 1852, from the
Potsdam Sandstone (Late Cambrian), St. Lawrence Valley, NY. Geological Society
of America Abstracts with Programs 40th Annual Meeting, NE Section, 37(1):13.

A52.  Hubbard, T.D. and J.M. Erickson. 2005. Late
Quaternary drainage evolution, Star Lake Region, northwestern Adirondack
Mountains, New York. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 40th
Annual Meeting, NE Section, 37(1):22.

A51.  Cavallerano, J.M. and J.M. Erickson. 2005.
Growth of the Dead Creek Distributary of the Missisquoi River, Lake Champlain,
Vermont, between 1950 and 2003. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs 40th Annual Meeting, NE Section, 37(1):15.

A50.  Smrecak, T.A., J.M. Ericksonand
J.W. Hoganson. 2005. Comparison of Missouri Valley Hell Creek Formation (Late
Cretaceous) Fossil Floras with Megafloral Zones of the Williston Basin, North
Dakota. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 40th
Annual Meeting, NE Section, 37(1):13.

A49.  Erickson, J.M. 2004. Earliest evidence of
invertebrate sexual behavior, or a tidal flat traffic jam in the Potsdam
Formation (Late Cambrian)? Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, 36(5):66

A48.  Peppe, D.J. and J.M. Erickson, 2004. Coastal
paleoclimate estimates from Late Maastrichtian Fox Hills I floral physiognomy,
North Dakota, USA. Proceedings International Organization of Paleobotany
Conference VII (Argentina).

A47.  Hoganson, J.W. and J.M. Erickson. 2004.
Paleoecological implications of the Fox Hills Formation (Maastrichtian) reptile
and amphibian fauna from south-central North Dakota.  Geological Society of American Abstract with
Programs, 36(4):80.

A46.  Waugh, D.A., R.S. Crawford, and J.M.
Erickson. 2003. Whole-colony bryozoan growth morphology: an underutilized tool
in understanding type-Cincinnatian paleoecology. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, 35(6):

A45.  Carpenter, S.J., J.M. Erickson, and J.W.
Hoganson. 2003. Alpine glaciation in the Laramide Mountains during the Late
Cretaceous and Early Paleocene. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, 35(6):

A44.  Erickson, J.M. 2003. Status of unionoid
mussel distribution study in the St. Lawrence Lowlands of New York. In
Large Ecosystems Under Stress: Abstracts of the 10th Annual
International Conference on the St. Lawrence River Ecosystem, p. 10.

A43.  Quevedo, H.L., S.J. Carpenter and J.M.
Erickson. 2002. An exceptional high-resolution stable isotope record of the
last deglaciation from NW New Jersey. Geological Society of America Programs
with Abstracts, 34(6): 352

A42.  Bouchard, T., Erickson, J.M., and
Hoganson, J.W. 2002. Statistical discrimination of Corbicula species (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from a mixed
freshwater-marine molluscan assemblage in the Fox Hills Formation (Late
Cretaceous: Maastrichtian) of North Dakota. Geological Society of America
Programs with Abstracts, 34(6):354.

A41.  Carpenter, Scott J., J.M. Erickson and J.W.
Hoganson. 2002. Isotopic characterization of the Late Cretaceous Fox Hills-Hell
Creek Estuary of North and South Dakota. Geological Society of America Programs
with Abstracts, 34(6): 31-32.

A40.  Peppe, D.J. and J.M. Erickson. 2002. Fox
Hills I, a new Late Maastrichtian megafloral zone from the Missouri Valley
Region, demonstrating eastward diachroneity of the Hell Creek Formation in
North Dakota, Geological Society of America Programs with Abstracts,

A39.  Erickson, J.M. 2001. Influences of muskrat
predation on population structure of Margaritifera
margaritifera (Mollusca: Unionoidea)
at stream sites in St. Lawrence County, New York. Proceedings of the North
Dakota Academy of Science, 55:59.

A38.  Bouchard, T. and J.M. Erickson. 2001. Boring
morphology of a newly described domichnium in Ordovician, in situ, branching bryozoan colonies.  Geological Society of America Programs with
Abstracts, p. A35.

A37.  Erickson, J.M., R.B. Platt, Jr., and D.H.
Jennings. 2001. Early Holocene fossil oribatid mite biofacies as proxies of
paleohabitat at the Hiscock Site, Byron, New York. Smith Symposium II Program
and Abstracts. p.11.

A36.  Erickson, J.M., and D.A. Waugh. 2001. Colony
morphologies and missed opportunities during the Cincinnatian (Ordovician) bryozoan
radiation: an example from Heterotrypa
(Trepostomata). Abstracts of the International Bryozoology
Association 12th International Conference, Dublin. p.45.

A35.  Waugh, D.A. and J.M. Erickson. 2001.
Functional morphology of the foliose coalescing growth form in Heterotrypa frondosa (D'Orbigny)
(Bryozoa:Trepostomata) from the Cincinnatian (Ordovician) of Ohio. ). Abstracts
of the International Bryozoology Association 12th International
Conference, Dublin. p.110.

A34.  M. H. Temkin, M.L. Nelson, A. Snell and J.M.
Erickson. 2000. Genetic variation in the freshwater mussel Elliptio complanata from northern New York.  American Zoologist,40(6):1231. (SICB

A33.  Carpenter, S. J. and J. M. Erickson. 2000.
Changes in lake temperature, stratification and productivity as recorded in the
carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of carbonate from the freshwater bivalve Pyganodon lacustris in Glovers Pond, New
Jersey.  Geological Society of America
Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs 32(7):A20.

A32.  Woodcock, T. A. and J. M. Erickson. 1999.
Taxonomic study of the genus Glyptocrinus,
(Echinodermata) and associated genera. Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting Abstracts with Programs 31(7):A469.

A31.  Erickson, J.M., S.J.Carpenter, Dongho Lee,
and Heather Quevedo. 1998. Exceptional dC13 and  dO18 records
of  the Younger Dryas event from a small
marl lake in NW New Jersey. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Abstracts with Programs (with), 30(7):A70.

A30.  Carpenter, S.J., Dongho Lee, and Heather
Quevedo. 1998. Methane generation during the Pleistocene—Holocene transition:
carbon isotope evidence from a marl lake in New Jersey. Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, 30(7): A70.

A29.  Kays, G.B., and J.W. Hoganson, and J.M.
Erickson. 1998. Taphonomic implications of the turtle assemblage at Ash Coulee
Quarry, Sentinel Butte Formation (Paleocene), Billings Co., North Dakota. The
Fifth Conference on Fossil Resources, Abstracts with Programs. (with), p. 16.

A28.  Jones, M., and J.M. Erickson. 1998. Naticid
gastropods as prey -- Testing Vermeijan Escalation with examples from the Fox
Hills Formation (Cretaceous: Maastrichtian). Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs  33rd Annual
Meeting, NE Section, 30(1):

A27.  Jones, M., P. Kelley, T. Hansen and J.M.
Erickson. 1998. Interregional comparison of drilling on Cretaceous antacid
gastropods and implications for the hypothesis of escalation. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs,

A26.  Hoganson, J.W., J.M. Erickson, A.M. Cvancara
and F. D. Holland, Jr.  1997. Terminal
Cretaceous extinction event documented by marine cartilaginous fishes from the
Fox Hills (Maastrichtian) and Cannonball (Danian/Thanetian) Formations, North
Dakota. Abstracts of Papers, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 17(3):53A.

A25.  Erickson, J.M. And M.A. Jones. 1997. Naticid
gastropods as prey - an example from the Fox Hills Formation
(Cretaceous:Maastrichtian) of North and South Dakota.  North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings,

A24.  Erickson, J.M. and A. R. Fetterman. 1997.
Geological and Sedimentological conditions influencing extirpation of Unionid
clams from mouths of small tributaries by filling of Lake St. Lawrence: A
preliminary model. Explore the St. Lawrence River Watershed: 4th Annual
International Symposium on the St. Lawrence River Ecosystem, Abstracts. [pdf]

A23.  Erickson, J.M., J.W. Hoganson and F.D.
Holland, Jr.  1996. Vertebrate
paleontology of the Timber Lake Member, Fox Hills Formation (Maastrichtian),
North Dakota. Abstracts of Papers, Jour. of Vertebrate Paleontology, 16(3):41A.

A22.  Erickson, J.M. and A.R. Fetterman. 1996. The
scarcity of Alasmidonta marginata and
Alasmidonta undulata in the Grass
River drainage basin, St. Lawrence County, New York. The New York Natural
History Conference.

A21.  Erickson, J.M. and B.D. Palmateer. 1996.
Paleobiology and stratigraphy of Panopea
in life position in the Fox Hills Formation (Late
Cretaceous:Maastrichtian) of North Dakota. North Dakota Academy of Science
Proceedings, 50:33.

A20.  Connett, P.W. and J.M. Erickson 1996.
Paleoenvironmental interpretations of the Bullhead Lithofacies (Cretaceous:
Maastrichtian), Iron Lightning Member, Fox Hills Formation based on physil mineralogy.
North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings, 50:33. [pdf]

A19.  Post, J.S., J.M. Erickson and J. W. Hoganson.
1996. Stratigraphy of the Sentinel Butte Formation (Paleocene) at the Ash
Coulee Quarry, Billings County, North Dakota. North Dakota Academy of Science
Proceedings, 50:31.

A18.  Kays, G. B., J.M. Erickson and J.W. Hoganson.
1996. Occurrence and Taphonomy of the trionychoid turtle Plastomenus from the Ash Coulee Quarry, Sentinel Butte Formation
(Paleocene), Billings County, North Dakota. North Dakota Academy of Science
Proceedings, 50:32. [pdf]

A17.  Hill, A.F., J.M. Erickson and J.W. Hoganson. 1996.
Paleoenvironment interpretations from fossil Metasequoia? stumps in the Paleocene Sentinel Butte Formation at
Ash Coulee, Billings County, North Dakota. North Dakota Academy of Science
Proceedings, 50:33.

A16.  Kays, G.B., J.M. Erickson, and J.W. Hoganson.
1995.  Preliminary studies of an unusual
assemblage of fossil turtles from the Paleocene of the North Dakota
Badlands.  In Eppler, D.T. et al., Proceedings of the Second Geology Alumni
Conference, St. Lawrence University, p. 11.

A15.  Erickson, J. M. and  A. R. Fetterman. 1995.  Some aspects of unionid ecology, distribution
and importance in the Grass River, St. Lawrence County, New York, In R. D. Needham, et al., Sharing
Knowledge, Linking Sciences: An International Conference on the St. Lawrence
Ecosystem, Abstracts, p.6.

A14.  Hoganson, J.W.,  J. M. Erickson and F. D. Holland, Jr.  1995. Cartilaginous fishes from the Fox Hills
Formation (Cretaceous: Maastrichtian), North Dakota.  North Dakota Academy of Science Proceedings,

A13.  Hoganson, J.W.,  J. M. Erickson and Myron R. C. Getman.  1994. Reptiles of the Timber Lake Member
(Cretaceous: Maastrichtian), Fox Hills Formation, North Dakota.  Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists Annual
Meeting, Seattle, Wash.

A12.  Erickson, J.M. 1994 Paleoacarology -- How Can
it Contribute to the Understanding of Global Change? Acarology IX, the
International Congress, 17-22, July, 1994, Columbus, Ohio. p.27 (due to
production problems absracts. not publ'd)

A11.  Erickson, J.M. 1989. Paleoenvironments and
Stratigraphy of the Fox Hills Formation (Maastrichtian: Late Cretaceous) of the
Missouri Valley - Toward a More Holistic View - Abst: F. D. Holland Jr.
Symposium, Abstracts with Program, 14-15.*

A10.  Erickson, J.M. 1988. Applications of fossil
oribatid mites to Quaternary Paleoecology. Green Mountain Geologist Winter

A9.  Erickson, J.M 
1987. Response of fossil aquatic mite populations (Arthropoda:
Oribatida) to changing hydrogeologic conditions in Quaternary lacustrine
sediments. Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, 19(7):655.

A8.  Erickson, J.M. 1986. The promise for fossil
oribatid mites in paleoecological analyses of Quaternary lake and bog deposits:
preservation quality and data extraction. Smith Symposium: Late Pleistocene and
Early Holocene Paleoecology and Archeology of the Eastern Great Lakes Region -
Program and Abstracts, p. 18.

A7.  Erickson, J.M., D.L. Waters and R.A. Metzger.
1985. Fossil soil mites (Arthropoda: Oribatida): A new tool for Quaternary Bio-
and Ecostratigraphers. Canadian Paleontology and Biostratigraphy Seminar,
Programme with Abstracts, p. 9-10.

A6.  Erickson, J.M. 1985. Fossil Moss Mites
(Arthropoda: Oribatida): An introduction to their morphology and potential for
Quaternary paleoecological interpretation. Geological Society America Abstracts
with Programs, 17(7):574.

A5.  Carpenter, S.J., J.M. Erickson and M.R.
Owen  1985. Formation, diagenesis, and
FOC-RFC cementation of fossiliferous concretions of the Fox Hills Fm., (Upper
Cretaceous) of North Dakota. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs,

A4.  Erickson, J.M., R.J. Erickson and G.E.
Erickson. 1978. Field Observations of a New Active Mimicry in Larval Sphingidae
(Lepidoptera): North Dakota Acad. Science Proc., 32(1):42.

A3.  Erickson, J.M. 1978. New Records of Fossil
Bivalvia from the Fox Hills Formation of North and South Dakota and Some
Speculation on their Paleogeographic Implications: North Dakota Acad. Science
Proc., 32(1):25.

A2.  Klett, M.C. and J.M. Erickson. 1974. Type and
Reference Sections for a New Member of the Fox Hills Formation, Cretaceous,
south-central North Dakota:  North Dakota
Academy Science Proceedings, 28(1):17.

A1.  Cvancara, A.M. and J.M. Erickson. 1968.
Mussel Distribution and Ecology, Forest River, North Dakota: North Dakota Academic
Science Abstracts, 22:17


and Dissertation

J.M.,  1968. The Geologic and Limnologic
History of Glovers Pond Northwestern New Jersey: unpub. M.S. Thesis, University
of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota, 149 p.

J.M.  1971. Gastropoda of the Fox Hills
Formation, (Upper Cretaceous) of North Dakota: Ph.D. Dissertation, University
of North Dakota, Grand Forks, 249 p.


J.M. 1994. Limnology, paleolimnology, and postglacial geologic history of
Glovers Pond, northwestern New Jersey. In
Dayton, R., B. Shepherd, and H. Franco. 1994 SLU Geology Club Spring fieldtrip
to Pennsylvania and New Jersey, p. 40-63.

J.M. 1993. Cambro - Ordovician Stratigraphy, Sedimentation, and ichnobiology of
the St. Lawrence Lowlands-Frontenac Arch to the Champlain Valley of New York.
In Bursnall, J. T., ed., Field trip guidebook to the 65th Annual Meeting, N. Y.
State Geological Association, St. Lawrence University, p. 68-95.

J.M. 1984, Cambrian and Ordovician Geology of the Champlain Valley of New York
and Vermont, Guidebook SLU Geology Spring Field Trip (ed. with M.R. Owen) 41 p.


Erickson, J.M. Review of Roadside Geology of Nebraska.
St. Lawrence University web site and magazine?

Erickson, J.M.,
1995, Review of Desert Legends: St. Lawrence University Magazine (Summer/Fall)
1995, p.24.

J.M. 1993, Review of Opportunities in the Hydrologic Sciences: Journal of
College Science Teaching, Feb. 1993:260-261.

Erickson, J.M. 1988, Review of Time's
Arrow, Time's Cycle: Jour. of College Science Teaching.

Erickson, J.M. 1983, A review of A
Pictorial Guide to Fossils:  Bios:  54(2), p. 78 - 80.

J.M. 1983, A review of Putnam's Geology: 
Jour. College Science Teaching: 12(4) p. 280.

Erickson, J.M. 1980, A review of
Geology:  Jour. College Science
Teaching:  10(2) p. 115.

Erickson, J.M. 1978, A review of Field
Guide to Seashells of the World:  Bios:
49(4) p. 173 -174.

Erickson, J.M. 1975, A review of Man's
Finite Earth: Jour. College Science Teaching, v. 4, p. 206 -207.