Ergonomics: Tips for a Healthier Home Office

As employees continue working from home, they may want to make some adjustments to make home office areas safer and more comfortable. offers some quick tips in the following link.

Alan Hedge, PhD, CPA, Professor of Ergonomics at Cornell University prepared a handy 5-minute video that illustrates several recommendations for setting up your desk, chair, laptop and peripherals.  Following the suggestions might make your neck, shoulders, wrists and legs more comfortable while preventing repetitive use injuries.

Be sure to take breaks during your work day.  For your eyes, think 30-30-30.  Every 30 minutes, look away from your screen and focus on something at least 30 feet away for 30 seconds.  Blink your eyes, and do a short stretch.  For your body, take a rest break every 30-60 minutes.  Step away from your computer.  Get a cup of coffee, do laps around the house, step out for a couple of minutes for some fresh air or do some gentle stretches. This allows you to rest and exercise different muscles, and you'll feel less tired. 

If you are interested in purchasing some office equipment to make your home office safer, please work with Purchasing and check with your supervisor or Department chair prior to ordering. Another service available to SLU faculty and staff is a home office ergonomic assessment.  To schedule a remote work station evaluation please email the Purchasing Office at  

Do you live in a tiny house, studio apartment or other small space?  We have more tips for setting up a home office for you at