Enrichment Grant

Travel Enrichment Grants are intended for students participating in off-campus programs who want to pursue an academic or personal/extra-curricular interest during study abroad or with intercultural experience within the U.S. Preference goes to those who have not previously received a grant through CIIS. You can find more information about successful grant applicants and what they accomplished with their grant via the Travel Grant Map and Archive.

These grants permit students to pursue an area of interest by providing supplementary funding for activities not included in their off-campus study program. These grants are not an alternative form of financial aid for supporting the SLU comprehensive fee for off-campus study.

Travel grants are a competitive process and awards don't normally exceed a maximum of $1,000. Since funding is limited, strong proposals with a strong sense of purpose and detailed, well researched itinerary/budget are the most competitive for funding. 

Applications are due on April 8th for Fall and Academic Year programs. Applications are due on November 5th for Spring programs. 

Proposals are reviewed by the Committee on International and Intercultural Studies and decisions announced about two weeks after the deadline. See below for guidelines

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Your first step should be to discuss your ideas with an appropriate staff or faculty member. You are also strongly encouraged to have a conversation with staff in the Center for International and Intercultural Studies. Asking someone for a recommendation who has not been involved in helping you shape the proposal will seriously jeopardize your chances for receiving a grant.

The proposal should be single spaced and include the elements indicated below.

1. Working title for your project

2. Name of Faculty/Staff person with whom you worked to develop the proposal. After working on your proposal with your faculty/staff mentor, provide him or her with a final copy of your proposal so your mentor can complete the required online recommendation.

3. What you propose to do. Be as specific as possible about your goals and about the specific activities for which you seek funding. Also, be clear about the time frame or calendar for your project. The study abroad programs are fully programmed experiences, but most have a week-long break or longer. Some projects can be done on weekends, some after the program ends. Check your off-campus program schedule so that you are clear about the time frame for your project. Remember you project cannot conflict with official program activities.

4. Your qualifications and preparation. Provide information about the development of your interest or involvement in this topic and, where relevant, course work which has contributed to your interest. Extra-curricular activities including internships, jobs, and other non-academic activities may be relevant background for your proposal.

5. What you expect to gain from the experience. Indicate why this activity is of significance to your St. Lawrence liberal education, and, where relevant, how it will inform subsequent academic work, career planning or professional development goals.

6. A detailed budget for the travel and activity to be supported. Note that CIIS cannot support purchase of equipment such as cameras, tape recorders, etc. You can use reference/travel guides in CIIS and on the internet to project travel expenses. Proposals which show a clear effort on the applicant’s part to be economical will be given preference.