Associate Dean of Academic Advising Job Description

Associate Dean of Academic Advising Job Description


  • The Associate Dean coordinates and supervises all academic advising programs, creating new programs as needed and overseeing the University’s overall approach to promoting student academic success. Annual and long-range goals, budgets, and day-to-day supervision of the Office of Academic Advising Programs (Academic Support, Academic Development, Academic Engagement, Peer Tutoring, Student Accessibility Services). Works with a staff of eight direct reports (including one full-time administrative support position and one shared administrative support position) and a total of 12 full-time staff members, including hiring, oversight, and staff development.
  • Supervises Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP), McNair Scholarship Program, and Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP).
  • Teaches one or two courses per year in consultation with the Dean of Academic Affairs.
  • Reports to the Vice-President of the University and Dean of Academic Affairs as a member of Dean’s Staff.



  • Supervises and supports the Coordinators of Retention and Academic Support, Academic Development, and Academic Engagement on academic advising for students, including student and faculty outreach efforts.
  • Supervises and supports SAS, HEOP, CSTEP, and McNair advising efforts, working with those offices to assist students as needed.
  • Serves as principal investigator (PI) for the McNair Scholars Program.
  • Advises students in long-term academic planning and intervenes with those in especial distress, including working with families as needed.
  • Advises students on university academic policies and procedures, including those related to academic standing, major declaration, registration, and academic petitions.
  • Convenes the Advising Team (A-Team), which monitors students in academic distress, including those identified through Starfish flags and the midterm warning grade system, as well as by individual faculty and staff, and coordinates support interventions.
  • Works with academic departments and the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs on initiatives to support faculty in their development as advisors, including new faculty orientation.
  • Oversees the process for major, minor, and advisor declarations and changes, including consulting with students on major and advisor declarations and changes.
  • In collaboration with the Academic Standing Committee and the Registrar’s Office, oversees all academic standing processes, including academic notice, suspension, and expulsion; corresponds with students and their families regarding academic standing.
  • Oversees the Writing Proficiency Requirement (WPR) policy, in collaboration with the Director of the Munn Center for Rhetoric and Communication, and with the Director of ESOL and Multilingual Student Academic Support and/or the instructor of ND-207: College Writing Workshop where relevant; coordinates with the Registrar’s Office to track WP notation clearance.
  • Hires and reviews the instructor of ND-207.
  • Advises students on development of multi-field majors, works with Academic Advising Committee on approval, and acts as chair for all multi-field majors.
  • Advises students on graduate school application, including reviewing student personal statements and other application materials.
  • Coordinates pre-law events and serves as one of the university’s pre-law advisors.
  • Serves as a member of the Health Careers Committee, including participation in HCC student interview process each semester.
  • In collaboration with the Director of Experiential Learning & Employer Engagement, advises students seeking external fellowship opportunities (e.g., Fulbright, Gilman, Boren, Rangel, Pickering, Truman, Marshall, Mitchell, Rhodes).
  • In collaboration with the Coordinator of Retention and Academic Support, advises incoming transfer and readmitted students.
  • Collaborates with the Registrar’s Office and IT to monitor and assist with the course registration process.
  • Collaborates with the Associate Dean of the First Year to facilitate summer advising of incoming students, assist with new student orientation, and help enhance advising practices in the First Year Program.
  • Collaborates with the Faculty Director of the Sophomore Program to help devise and implement programming and initiatives to improve the sophomore experience and serves on the executive committee of the Sophomore Program.
  • Collaborates with the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs on programs dedicated to faculty mentoring of undergraduate student research, grants, and fellowships, and on advising students regarding Academic Honor and Academic Conflict Resolution policies and procedures.
  • Collaborates with Residence Life on residential, social, and co-curricular issues affecting students’ academic experience.
  • Collaborates with the Vice President and Dean of Student Life on all medical withdrawals and on readmissions to the university from withdrawals and leaves of absence.
  • Collaborates with the Associate Dean of Student Life to monitor students in social and academic distress.
  • Collaborates with the Retention Committee to monitor and address retention issues.


Committee assignments

  • Advising Team (convener), Academic Advising Committee, Academic Standing Committee, Residence Education Committee, Academic Petitions Committee, Academic Planning Committee, Retention Committee, Health Careers Committee, Kirk Douglas Scholars Selection Committee, Sophomore Program steering committee, and others as needed