Rafael Castillo Bejarano

World Languages, Cultures and Media | Caribbean, Latin American World Languages, Cultures, and Media Department

Ph. D. in Hispanic Studies
Brown University

Rafael C

Rafael Castillo Bejarano received his M.A. and his Ph.D. in Hispanic Studies from Brown University, where he has taught all levels of Spanish languages, surveys of Peninsular and Latino American Literature, and Hispanic Cultures. Rafael´s research explores the nascent figure of the author, as well as literary and social shelf-fashioning, and the constitution of modern subjectivity from the work and life of the nobleman and courtly poet Juan de Tassis, Count of Villamediana. The project considers the poet courtier´s interaction with major Spanish Golden Age writers, such as Miguel de Cervantes, Lope de Vega, or Luis de Góngora.  Rafael´s other fields of interest include aristocracy and court culture in Early Modern Iberia, and the Transatlantic dialogues among Hispanic literatures. He is currently working in a book manuscript titled La pluma bañada en oro: creación y autocreación en Villamediana (Gold-Bathed Pen: Creation and Self-Creation by Count of Villamediana).

Regularly Taught Courses:

SPAN 103 and SPAN 104: Intermediate Spanish I&II
SPAN 201: Advanced Spanish
SPAN103/201: Medical Spanish
CLAS 104 / SPAN 105: Intro to Caribbean and Latin American Studies
SPAN 202: Introduction to the Hispanic Studies
SPAN 3032: Living (in) Madrid
SPAN 3033: Transatlantic Connections
SPAN 3035/4035: Global Cervantes
SPAN 423: Introduction to Peninsular Spanish Literature
SPAN 4016: Spain on the Stage: Survey of Spanish Theater



Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

Castillo Bejarano, Rafael, “The Day Madrid Became Rome: A Spectacle of State in the Old Plaza Mayor (1609),” forthcoming in Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America.

Castillo Bejarano, Rafael, “‘Sino mostrar creído’: Retórica de la sinceridad en la lírica cortesana del conde de Villamediana,” forthcoming in Criticón.

Castillo Bejarano, Rafael, “Imitaciones en collage de un soneto cortesano: Villamediana y Balbuena reescriben «Dejadme sospirar, desconfianza»,” Hipogrifo: Revista de Literatura y Cultura del Siglo de Oro, 11.1, 2023, 771-783. DOI: 10.13035/H.2023.11.01.44

Castillo Bejarano, Rafael, “‘Su hermano, de quien tanto se temía’: hacia una ética del reconocimiento en Las dos doncellas,” Anales Cervantinos, 54, 2022, 291–314. DOI: 10.3989/anacervantinos.2022.011

Castillo Bejarano, Rafael, “‘¿Cuál es la edad mejor para el poeta?’: discursos sobre la edad en tiempos de Cervantes y Lope de Vega,” Revista de Literatura, 84(167), 2022, 67–98.DOI: 10.3989/revliteratura.2022.01.003

Castilo Bejarano, Rafael, “La carta de Lope de Vega al príncipe de Esquilache y los poemas fúnebres a Catalina de la Cerda.” Criticón, 142, Spring 2021, 173-187. DOI:10.4000/CRITICON.20387

Castillo Bejarano, Rafael, “Erotismo, éxtasis, tormento: la música vocal femenina en la poesía de Villamediana (entre Marino y Góngora).” Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America, Vol. 97, Issue 7, 2020, 1079-1101.DOI: 10.1080/14753820.2020.1791529

Castillo Bejarano, Rafael, “‘Doña Catalina de la Cerda, que es tan hermosa como las demás son feas’: cénit y ocaso de una dama de palacio singular.” Janus: Estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro, Vol. 9, 2020, 402-442.

Castillo Bejarano, Rafael, “‘Con mayúsculas letras de oro’: los nobles ante la poesía en el Viaje del Parnaso de Miguel de Cervantes.” Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America, Vol. 39.2, 2019, 157-186. DOI: 10.1353/cer.2019.0026

Castillo Bejarano, Rafael, “‘Divino ingenio y peregrina mano’: poesía, música y sociabilidad en la madeja intertextual de Villamediana y el abad Maluenda.” eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies, 42, 2019, 221-40.

Castillo Bejarano, Rafael, “Un poco de acá y un poco de allá: síntesis de una poética galante de tradición hispanolusa en el primer Villamediana.” Calíope: Review of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, 23.1, 2018, 7-33. DOI: 10.5325/caliope.23.1.0007

Castillo Bejarano, Rafael, “Humanos serafines: la intercesión en la gracia regia de las damas de palacio desde Góngora a los poetas cortesanos.” Atalanta: Revista de las Letras Barrocas, Vol. 6, Num. 2, 2018, 41-81. DOI: 10.14643/62B

Book Chapters:

Castillo Bejarano, Rafael, “Tres poetas Latinoamericanos ante la Octava Maravilla: Girondo, Baquero y Mutis (re)visitan El Escorial," forthcoming.

Research Interests:

Medieval and Early Modern Iberia
Transatlantic Connections
Early Modern Subjectivity
16th and 17th Hispanic Poetry
Theory of the Lyric
Poetry and Music

Awards, Honors, and Service
2022-present, Elected Member Board of Directors, Society for the Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry (SRBHP)
2019 Luis Andrés Murillo Award, Cervantes Society of America (CSA)

Contact Information

Office Hours

Mo and We from 1:00 to 2:00, or by appointment