Kristine Hoffmann

Visiting Assistant Professor Biology Department

PhD – Wildlife Ecology
University of Maine

MS – Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
University of Florida

BS – Biology
University of Massachusetts

Kristine Hoffmann
woman playing ball with lab

Kris is an amphibian and reptile conservation biologist, with research interests in behavior, ecology, and conservation detection dogs. Her work on the Blue-Spotted Salamander complex has aided in the conservation of vernal pool amphibians in Maine, and her work on the movement and habitat use of suburban Wood Frogs more directly investigates the persistence of amphibians in developed areas.

Kris shares her home and office with K9 Newt, a Labrador retriever trained to sniff out endangered toads and turtles. Students in independent studies with Kris and Newt conduct surveys learn about populations and locations of these rare animals with partners such as the Roger Williams Zoo, New York Natural Heritage Program, Massachusetts Audubon Society, and Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management.

Other students in her research lab have worked on learning in invasive treefrogs, population genetics of salamanders, radio-telemetry of turtles, scent recognition in geckos, personality syndrome of axolotls, diet of axolotls and turtles, snake habitat selection, effects of light pollution on salamander habitat selection, analysis of citizen science data, and dogs’ abilities to differentiate between frog species. Kris routinely teaches General Biology, Herpetology, Biostatistics, Biology of Dogs for non-science majors. She is always looking for students to be dog handlers, animal care takers, and researchers.

Her favorite outreach achievements are her coloring book and a comic series by a student artist, found at

Kris earned her BS in Biology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, her MS in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation from the University of Florida, and her PhD in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Maine in Orono. She was a teaching fellow at the University of Virginia’s College at Wise and a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Maine.

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