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13 databases found


Mathematics literature.
Medical and molecular biology journals.
Health and wellness information.
Indexes current news and scholarly literature pertaining to the US military and government.  Contains significant full text of scholarly and popular journal articles and book reviews.
Indexes scholarship pertaining to literature, language, linguistics, and  folklore. Includes citations to  scholarly journal articles and book reviews.
3-D macromolecular structures.
Indexes scholarship pertaining to music. Contains significant full text of scholarly, popular, and trade journal articles and book reviews.
Indexes digitized musical tracts of American and global contemporary, classical and jazz music.
American roots music and pre-1960 popular music. Genres include country, folk, bluegrass, Western, old time, American Indian, blues, gospel & shape note singing. 
Medieval to contemporary music with supplementary reference information.
Traditional and contemporary musical genres from around the world. 
Provides online listening of thousands of jazz artists, ensembles, albums, and genres.
Published recordings and archives from Smithsonian Folkways other collections of US folk music plus collections of recordings from around the world.