Evacuation Procedures

Building Evacuations

1. All building evacuations will occur when a building alarm (fire alarm) sounds and/or upon notification by Safety and Security

2. When the building evacuation alarm is activated during an emergency, leave by the nearest marked exit and alert others to do the same.

3. Assist persons in exiting the building, especially persons with a physical challenge. If elevators exist in a building, they are reserved for persons with physical challenges. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS IN CASES OF FIRE OR EARTHQUAKE

4. Once outside, proceed to a clear area that is at least 500 feet away from the affected building. Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrant areas, and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel. Know your area assembly points.

5. DO NOT return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by a Safety and Security staff.

Campus Evacuation

1. Evacuation of all or part of the campus grounds will be announced by
Safety and Security

2. All persons (students and staff) are to vacate immediately the area of campus in question and relocate to another part of the campus grounds as directed

3. Relocation of Persons with Disabilities

In the event of an emergency, individuals who use wheelchairs and other individuals with disabilities should observe the following procedures:

· Move towards the marked exit
· As a first choice, use the building elevator, BUT NEVER IN THE CASE OF A FIRE OR EARTHQUAKE
· If there is an earthquake – or if there is an obstruction in the pathway – request assistance from others in the area
· If assistance is not immediately available, stay in the exit corridor or the stairway landing. Continue to call for help until rescued. Individuals who cannot speak loudly should carry a whistle or have other means for attracting the attention of others.
· Rescue personnel, Public Safety, Emergency Response Teams, Fire and Police Departments will first check all exit corridors and exit stairwells for trapped persons.
· If you use a wheelchair, or have any other mobility impairments, please file a Class Schedule with Safety and Security – or with the Coordinator for you education center.

NOTE: It is suggested that the individuals who use wheelchairs or have mobility impairment prepare for an emergency ahead of time by instructing faculty/staff or classmates on how to assist him/her in an emergency.