Student Center Posting Policy

My posters and/or advertisements were torn down. What gives?

The Student Center has a posting policy that prohibits posting flyers on windows, doors, walls, and columns for fire safety reasons. If a wall is covered in paper, it’s more likely to ignite and burn faster. Posting items on the doors in the Student Center also blocks the view of individuals exiting and entering, as well as leaves tape residue on the windows.

Clothesline and clothespins are provided at the information desk for you to post items on the railings in the Student Center. We do our best to take down flyers after the events have passed so there are room for others to put advertisements up. Putting end dates on flyers helps us to clear off cork boards to make more room for other flyers. In addition we ask that you use blue painter’s tape – NOT duct tape, if you are posting items that are too heavy to be hung on the railings by the clothespins alone. Blue painter's tape is available at the information desk.

Student Center Posting Policy

In the Student Center, flyers and posters may be placed on bulletin boards located on the ground and basement levels and along the clothesline near the balconies -- never on external glass doors, painted or papered surfaces, walls or doors. Material placed in non-designated areas will be removed.

All posters and flyers must indicate the sponsoring organization clearly. It should also be remembered that, while the material posted in the Student Center may be considered internal to your organization, the Center is in full public view. Consequently, care should be exercised on what is posted. 

If recognized student organizations or campus departments are interested in advertising in areas that fall outside of the posting policy (such as bathroom stalls) please contact the Student Activities and Leadership office for assistance.

Organizations not affiliated with St. Lawrence may hang flyers in the Student Center with approval from the Student Activities and Leadership office. Please bring any flyers you would like posted to the Student Center Information Desk for approval.

Organizations wishing to hang large banners in or outside the Student Center, display large projects between railings in the center of the building or utilize easels in the Student Center must first consult with Student Activities & Leadership for specific guidelines. This ensures your items will be displayed and hung properly and there are no conflicts with other requests. Call ext. 5757 or stop by the office at the Student Center Information Desk.