Lee, Rebert, Priest and Reiff

There are 22 CAs in Lee, Rebert, Priest and Reiff.  These buildings are primarily used for housing First Year students in an FYP.  These CAs help build community within their floor and the general residence hall.  They do this by having events for their community, getting to know the FYP faculty, and working to build a good relationship with each resident.

Another part of the CA position is participating in an on-call rotation where two CAs walk through buildings and carry a Residence Life Phone just in case residents need help.  If you live in the buildings listed below and need a CA, you can call the following numbers between 8pm and 8am:

  • Dean Eaton, Whitman and Gaines: (315) 854-2027 or (315) 261-8485
  • Lee, Rebert, Priest and Reiff: (315) 262-4457 or (315) 261-3725
  • Sykes, Hulett, Jencks, Kirk Douglas Hall, 62 Park St. and 48 Park St.: (315) 244-0805 or (315) 261-3726

Remember, if it is an emergency call security at (315) 229-5555!