Return to Learn Protocol
Total Rest
Step 1:
- Full rest
- Stay at home or in residence, consider low stim room
- No Screens (laptops, cell phone, TV)
- No driving
- No homework/tests
- Keep stimulus at a minimum
Light Academic Activity
Step 2: Trial school Attendance
- Limited Class: breaks as needed
- No homework/tests
- No Screens (laptops, cell phone, TV)
- No prolonged concentration
Step 3: Part-time classes
- Increase Class attendance: breaks as needed
- Attempt light homework: ie. Read 30 min.
- No testing
- Minimum screen & device use as tolerated
Moderate Academic Activity
Step 4:
- Full time class attendance
- Homework: provide extra time
- Assignments modified
- No testing
- May require more support in academically challenging subjects
(Please contact Student Accessibility Services for further info help with this)
Moderate Academic Activity
Step 5: With minimal Accommodations
- Full time class attendance
- Homework: no modifications
- Testing with accommodations: Breaks, quiet location, extra time
(Provide student opportunity to catch up on past missed assignments)
Step 6: No Accommodations
- Full Class Attendance
- Full Homework / Testing
*Physical Activity classes/clubs do not follow this protocol and need additional time to return to play.