1856 Challenge: Advocate Toolkit
Thank you for signing up to be an Advocate for the 1856 Challenge: 2023 Edition!
Please use the templates below as you wish to share to your personal networks. These templates are suggestions, but you are welcome to generate your own graphics if you prefer. Please include your unique link in your posts (found on your Advocate Dashboard on GiveCampus). If you’ve already taken our Philanthropy Personality Quiz you’ll find some graphics specific to each personality to share, too 😊!
Important Links
The 1856 Quiz: www.stlawu.edu/form/1856-quiz
General link to 1856 Challenge: https://www.givecampus.com/schools/StLawrenceUniversity/the-1856-challenge-2023-edition
Thank you for your work promoting this year’s challenge. Sharing this content goes a really long way!
Have fun and GO SAINTS!
Graphic Templates
Instagram Story & Grid: