Summer Research Opportunities for Undergraduates

Summer research programs are a great way to get involved in mathematical research, by working on a significant problem with a group of other students and faculty and living in a different part of the country for a while. There are many different programs offering the opportunity to participate in mathematical research during the summer. The programs vary widely in size, orientation, and goals. The best thing to do is to look around and try to find a few programs that match your desires as closely as possible and speak with a faculty member during the fall semester of your sophomore or junior year if you are interested in applying for a program. Deadlines for these programs tend to be in February. You will want to get started on your applications in plenty of time.

Several of the more common programs include:

  • The SLU Summer Fellowship program.  Work with a professor mentor over the summer and explore research questions related to your discipline.  In 2015 SLU fellows received free room and a $3750 summer stipend. See the SLU Fellowship Program for more information.
  • The single largest national program is the NSF-sponsored Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Each year, the NSF supports many different programs across the country in all areas it funds. Although the details vary with the specific program, most of them involve a small group of undergraduates for 8 to 10 weeks working together on some research problem. You get some travel expenses and a modest stipend. The American Mathematical Society also has an REU page providing brief descriptions of REU programs and individual links. 
  • The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) has a student page, which includes links to many of these and other programs, as well as having information on careers, conferences and competitions. 
  • The department's Facebook page often posts information for specific programs. Be sure to follow us there to stay up to date with any programs that we advertise.