Temporary Hiring Process

Supervisor initiates request for temporary hiring via Temporary Employment Requisition.

Request submitted to Associate Director of Human Resources for circulation of approval signatures.

  • Supervisor/HR Signature: For positions one week duration or less.
  • Supervisor/VP/Budget Director/President/HR Signature: For positions over one week duration and SLU temp positions

When appropriate signatures have been obtained, request for temporary hire is submitted to all contract agencies. (Kelly, MaxSys, Penski) via phone call and FAX Request Referral form.

Referrals from agencies are reviewed and screened by HR department. If more information on a referral is required from the contract agency, HR will contact the agency.

HR will then submit referrals to the requesting department supervisor.

The requesting supervisor reviews the referrals and may request HR to conduct a telephone interview(s); select a referral for temporary hire; or reject all referrals.

HR will conduct a brief informational conversation with the selected temporary hire.

The contract agency will make a hire offer and confirm with HR the acceptance of the offer.

Upon confirmation from contract agency, HR will send email to supervisor and support staff providing all the hire information.

Created: 4.2006