Physical Therapy

To become a physical therapist, you must earn a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree after graduating from SLU. The pre-requisite courses for these programs vary, so it is important to look closely at the programs to which you plan to apply. Observation hours are also required for most programs, so be sure to start early, spend time in different settings, and carefully document your experiences. Also, plan ahead to study for and complete the GRE exam required for your application.

Physical Therapy Course Plan

Pre-PT Timeline


St. Lawrence University and Clarkson University PT Articulation

Meet our alumni


Courses required by MOST physical therapist (DPT) programs:

  • General Biology with Lab- 2 semesters
  • General Chemistry with Lab- 2 semesters
  • Physics with Lab- 2 semesters
  • Anatomy & Physiology with Lab- 2 semesters
  • Introduction to Psychology (no lab)
  • Statistics (100 level)

Additional course requirements for a number of programs:

  • Additional psychology course – Developmental or Abnormal Psychology
  • Kinesiology or Exercise Physiology course
  • 2 English courses