Time Management

Practicing effective time management allows you to attend all of your courses, complete the assignments, meet athletic and club obligations, and still have time to hang out with friends. Though it may be tempting (and easier) to drop one of these activities, you’ll be a more successful person if you are conscious about your time throughout the day and week.

Xavier C. '22 shares advice on how he balances his academic and personal wellness.

Strategies to manage your time effectively:

  • Watch this video on syllabus mapping, 16 hour planning, and task management.
  • Fill out a 16-hour planning worksheet to find time throughout the day to do school work and study.
  • Use a syllabus map to keep track of due dates for major assignments, projects, tests and exams. (The syllabus map will be updated near the start of each academic semester.)
  • Spend some time every week planning out your tasks for that week or the next. Dedicate time for specific assignments and projects, to ensure you have enough time to complete them.
  • Break down larger blocks of time (2 hours or more) with the Pomodoro method.
  • Record meetings and appointments using a calendar app on your phone or computer so you don't forget or arrive late to them.
  • Send emails to faculty to schedule meetings or stop in their office hours (usually posted in their syllabi and/or Canvas site).
  • Treat school as a full-time job; that is, spend 8am-5pm each weekday towards a school-related activity (e.g. attend class and lab, do homework, visit the WORD Studio or PQRC, visit professors during office hours, study for quizzes and exams.) 
  • If your first class doesn't start until late morning/early afternoon, don't sleep in! Get up at a consistent time each school day and use the hours before class to do some work or some chores done. Or if you like to workout in the morning, use that time to do that so you can spend the rest of the day towards your course work.
  • If a class is canceled, don't treat it as a day off. Use that time you would normally be in class to do the work for it. 
  • Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. A good night's rest will make you more attentive in class and productive throughout the day.